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Copyright © 1998-2001 by Howard Kaikow. All rights reserved.
Date: 12 March 2001
From: Howard Kaikow <>
Subject: Case Else may disappear when importing WordBasic into VBA

Back in 1998, I reported in various newsgroups/forums that I had encountered at least 8 instances of Word 8 discarding a Case Else statement when importing WordBasic macros.

I have constructed a nonesense macro that reproduces this problem.

The first macro listed is the Bad macro. The Case Else just before the cmp = 1 statement gets discarded when imported into Word 8 or Word 9 from a WordBasic macro.

I also include the Good macro listed below. This uses REM statements to comment out the statements that might be causing the problem. In that case, (no) pun intended, the Case Else is not discarded.

Note that in this made up example, the outer Select Case … End Select is not needed, and its presence seems to cause the problem. Note that the real macro has code in the outer Select so the solution seems to be to convert the inner Select to If … End If.

The missing Case Else statements were really hard to track down in the real code.

Bad macro

REM Author email address:
REM macro BAD (12 December 1998)

    Flag = 2
    strTemp$ = "Bagels, Pizza"
    length = Len(strTemp$)
    Select Case Flag
'   Other cases deleted
        Case Else
            Buffer$ = Left$(strTemp$, 1)
            ptr = 0
            cmp = 0
            While ptr < length
                Select Case Buffer$
                    Case "a"
                        cmp = 2
                    Case Else
                        cmp = 1
                End Select
                ptr = ptr + 1
                If ptr < length Then Buffer$ = "Corned Beef"
    End Select
    MsgBox Str$(cmp)
End Sub

Good macro

REM Author email address:
REM macro Good (12 December 1998)

REM     Flag = 2
    strTemp$ = "Bagels, Pizza"
    length = Len(strTemp$)
REM     Select Case Flag
'   Other cases deleted
REM         Case Else
            Buffer$ = Left$(strTemp$, 1)
            ptr = 0
            cmp = 0
            While ptr < length
                Select Case Buffer$
                    Case "a"
                        cmp = 2
                    Case Else
                        cmp = 1
                End Select
                ptr = ptr + 1
                If ptr < length Then Buffer$ = "Corned Beef"
REM     End Select
    MsgBox Str$(cmp)
End Sub