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Howard Kaikow's services are available, for a fee. Services offered include:

For Microsoft Office:

For Microsoft Word:

Provide support for programming Microsoft Word macros using VBA.

Assist in learning how to program Microsoft Word macros using VBA.

Assist in developing macros for Microsoft Word using VBA.

Custom programming of Microsoft Word macros using VBA.

Converting WordBasic macros to Word VBA macros.

Assist in converting WordBasic macros to Word VBA macros.

Project development:

Investigation of the requirements and feasibility of a particular Microsoft Office programming task.

Technical review:

Product plans, design specifications and functional specifications.

Proposed and approved standards.

Books and articles.

Technical writing:

Product plans, design specifications, and functional specifications.

Proposed new standards.

Standards in process of revision.


Assist organizations in determining how, and whether, to submit proposals to a standards committee.

Attend standards committee meetings to affect the outcome of the work on particular standards.

Attend standards committee meetings to monitor the outcome of the work on particular standards.

Monitor particular standards activities.

Review standards proposals to affect the processing of a proposed standard or a revision of an existing standard.

Serve as technical editor for a standard.

Submit proposed clarifications of ambiguities, and errors, in particular standards.

Write proposals for submission to standards committees.